Waiting Upon the Lord
Waiting is hard. It takes patience day after day. During that waiting period, you can loose vision, hope, and doubt sets in. That's why it's always good to write down what God is speaking to you or directing you to. When the "wait" comes, you can review, rehearse, and remember God's words. Those are the words that NEVER fail. They are true, faithful, and dependable, just like our God.
The Word promises us that when we wait, we will have renewed strength. We will mount up with wings as the eagle, run and not be weary, walk and not faint!
We are waiting at Lifeway Haven. The beds are made, the home is ready, girls are approved, 501c(3) is here, TDCJ has approved, and we wait. The prison has required more exit classes for the approved girls. Two of our approved ladies had families step up and ask them to come home for support. That is exciting, but we hope they will support them, because reentry is HARD. Felons can't get work easily, housing is challenging, and buying cars and houses are not one stop shopping for them.
Each morning we are here, we get up, put on the coffee, head to the screen porch, bibles in hand and go before the Lord. We are rehearsing, reviewing, and remembering His call, His words, His heart for these ladies. We are putting out personal fires, distractions, and disruptions in every turn because we KNOW...… the enemy is mad! He doesn't want this home, these ladies, the hope of God to happen. He is wearing down the saints as best he can. He has touched the apple of our eyes at times and we have all been stretched, but we WAIT. We wait on our hope and on His timing. He is never late. Resources are pouring in, volunteers are getting in line, prayer warriors are signing up and we are preparing down to the last minute. We are experiencing the strength of the eagle. We are running and are not weary. We have not fainted nor become discouraged. We have built it as He directed and they WILL come, in His timing. Thank you for your prayers in this "wait".
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.