Saturday, May 12, 2018

Field Workers....cotton pickers

The fields are ripe for harvest
Cotton Pickers

As we have prepared for our new field of work for the Lord, we heard Him speak a word of clarity to us. We have worked in several areas for Him. None of the areas or fields, seem to match, yet we saw God do GREAT works in them all.  We have swung from foster care with abused children, an orphanage, unwed moms, human trafficking, and now women who have been incarcerated.  

The common thread is people who have been broken.  We love working with broken people no matter the area they are broken in.  We have had the greatest joy living with them in community living.  Sometimes people just need us to do LIFE with them.  Often people ask what on earth do y'all do and feel we are doing something so great.  It's very simple, not big or great at all.....we love, live, and laugh with them.  We live the Christian life and model the Christian marriage before them.  As we deal with our life stuff, we add Jesus to the problem, act real, and share the victories and struggles.  We show them how to do Life with Jesus.  I guess you can see us as a "rabbit" on the track, running in front of other newer runners to show them how and encourage them.  

God shared with us that when we step back we will recognize that we are field workers.  We do not own the plantation where we work as some are called to do.  We work the fields for them, holding up their arms, assisting others who are put under us in the field.  We KNOW our fields well and how they need to be prepared, worked, and harvested for the BEST results.  Often the plantation owner comes to see the fields and talks to the worker and ask how all this came to be, how it's made into something productive, how the field is kept viable.  It is often that the plantation owner invites the field worker inside the plantation for a night of celebration and honor for his work.  That's the part we wiggle under.....going into the plantation house with the finer things of life, the upper living, and servants waiting on us!  We do not know this part of the picture well.  Our comfort is in the fields themselves.  Our joy is being among the workers and in the trenches where the fields are worked day in and day out.  

The Lord simply said, "you are both cotton pickers".  Wow, yes we are!!!!!!!  Cotton Pickers for Jesus.  We love, love, love the fields.  We live to work them when we are called upon and to teach others how it's done.  We take great pleasure in presenting a crop that is done as unto the Lord himself to those who have asked us and entrusted their fields to us.  To keep in mind why we love the fields of the Lord so much, we put a stem of cotton in our kitchen window as a reminder.  We do not feel of less value than the plantation owner, not more elevated than other workers.  We simple accept our call, our equipping, and use it to the best of our abilities.  It's a new concept, but it's true.  We are just plain and simple cotton pickers and we serve Jesus in the fields He sends us to.  The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few........Luke 10:2

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